
Name of District

(Section 2051.202)

Harris-Fort Bend Counties Municipal Utility District No. 3

Name and Term of Office for Each Board Member

(HB 305, Section 2051.202)

Ron Welch, Term: May 2, 2026
Derrell Witt, Term: May 6, 2028
Frank Anzalotti, Term: May 6, 2028
Richard Breihan, Term: May 2, 2026
Danny Williams, Term: May 2, 2026

Contact Information for Main Office of District (Mailing and Physical Address, and Phone Number)

(HB 305, Section 2051.202)

1300 Post Oak Boulevard, Suite 2400
Houston, Texas 77056
(713) 623-4531

Official Contact Information for Each Board Member

(Section 2051.202)

Same as contact information for main office of district.

If Applicable, Name of the General Manager

(Section 2051.202)


The Name of the Person Representing the Operator, Including a Mailing Address and Telephone Number

(Section 2051.202)

Amanda Benzman
Justin Ubernosky
2002 West Grand Parkway North Suite 100 Katy, Texas 77449
(346) 667-0549

The Name of the Person Representing the Tax Assessor/Collector, Including Mailing Address and Telephone Number

(Section 2051.202)

Cathy Wheeler
Wheeler & Associates, Inc.
6935 Barney Road, Suite 110
Houston, Texas 77092
(713) 462-8906

The Rate of the Ad Valorem Tax

(Section 2051.202)
  • 2024: $0.445

If Applicable, the Sales and Use Tax Rate

(Section 2051.202)


Any Tax Rate Hearing Notice

(Section 2051.202)

Additional information about the District’s tax notices are available by clicking on this link.

Location and Schedule of Meeting of the District

(Section 2051.202)

Monthly on the fourth Monday at 11:00 a.m. at 1300 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 2500, Houston, TX 77056.

A Statement that the Residents Have a Right to Request a Designation of a Meeting Location Within the District

(Section 2051.202)

Residents of the District have the right to request the designation of a meeting location within the District under Section 49.062(g), Water Code. A description of this process can be found at

Each Meeting Notice and Minutes of Meetings for the Current Year and the Preceding 12 Months

(HB 305, Section 2051.202)

Information about the District’s agenda and minutes are available by clicking on this link.

Election Information

(HB 305)
Elections – Bonds

The District does not currently have a pending bond election.

Elections – Directors

Board of Directors Elections/Elecciones de la Junta Directiva/Các Cuộc Bầu Cử Ban Giám Đốc/董事會選舉

Election Documents