Recycling Collection Update – January 9, 2023

The excess holiday volumes have unfortunately caused a serious delay in our service. In an effort to get caught up, your recycling will be picked up Saturday. Our crews are working hard to get caught up and we anticipate being back on schedule next week.

We understand that this is an inconvenience for you and for that please accept our apologies. And know that we appreciate your business and understanding.

Thank you for being a valued Texas Pride Customer.

Texas Pride Disposal
4411 Landrum Lane, Missouri City, Texas 77489

Trash and Recycling Update

Due to last week’s freeze, service starts were delayed on Friday and Saturday. Coupled with excess holiday volume, these delays led to carryover work that has trickled through this week. As a result, Saturdays recycle will be collected with the regular garbage. If residents prefer that it be recycled, please have them place their recycle out on their next collection, Saturday, 1/7. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we appreciate the understanding.

Please send any request to, contact a representative at 281-342-8178, or visit our website at

Voluntary Water Use Restrictions

Dear Customer:

Due to ongoing drought conditions, the West Harris County Regional Water Authority (WHCRWA) initiated Stage 1 water conservation measures. Because Harris-Fort Bend Counties MUD No. 3 is located within the boundaries of the WHCRWA, we are required to initiate Stage 1 water conservation measures. The WHCRWA and Harris-Fort Bend Counties MUD No. 3 may require mandatory water use restrictions if conditions worsen. Effective immediately, the following voluntary water use restrictions are in place:

  1. Customers with even-numbered addresses may use water outdoors on even-numbered days.
  2. Customers with odd-numbered addresses may use water outdoors on odd-numbered days.
  3. Outdoor water use shall be limited to between the hours of 8:00 pm and 6:00 am on designated watering days.
  4. Customers are requested to practice water conservation and to minimize or discontinue water use for non-essential purposes.

The Board of Directors appreciates your cooperation and perseverance during this Conservation Condition. Once the Conservation Condition ends, we will notify you, and you may then return to normal usage. If conditions should worsen, it may be necessary to proceed to Stage 2, at which time you will be notified of the more stringent restrictions to ensure the availability of water in your community.

No Recycling Collection This Week

Due to the extreme seasonal volumes and delays it is causing, recycle will be suspended for your community this week. Recycle placed curbside will be collected with the garbage. Regular recycle services will resume next week. Should you not want your recycling picked up as trash this week, please do not put it out. Place it out next week on your next scheduled recycling day.

We appreciate your understanding as we work to get back on schedule.


Texas Pride Disposal
If you have questions, please go to You may also call us at 281-342-8178 or email us at

Trash and Recycling Update

To Our Valued Customer:

First and foremost, we would like to thank you for your partnership. As we have always said, we take tremendous pride in delivering services that exceed your expectations. With that being said, we also realize that we have fallen short of this recently with some services being provided later than usual, and in some cases, the next day.

There are a few factors driving these recent issues. First, disposal volumes remain elevated due to COVID. The amount of waste we are collecting has been 20-25% above normal volumes since the pandemic began. While things are moving in a positive direction, there will be a lasting effect on the waste stream with the accelerated adaption of online shopping and meal delivery services. In addition to this, the freeze contributed significant volume to the waste stream between debris and dead vegetation. This sent our monthly disposal volumes from 30,000-32,000 tons to 53,000 in March and 43,000 in April, translating to extended service times. Unlike other haulers, we made a conscious decision to continue collecting standard amounts of waste as compared to reducing quantities. Our mindset was that we would rather be a late by a day than having waste curbside for weeks on end. There remain lingering effects from this event.

The second contributing factor is still COVID, but its effect on our workforce. Our biggest concern through the pandemic has been the safety of our employees. With that, we have a serious concern of COVID sweeping through our staff. Our in-house COVID protocol remains in full force with testing and quarantining. When a crew has had contact with a positive person, the entire crew is shut down for testing and quarantine. This leads to unfamiliar crews on route and in turn delayed or inconsistent services. Although it is a sub-crew, we are doing their best to accurately cover these routes. Positively, our staff continues to get vaccinated, however, as we are all aware, with the vaccines can be some side effects, leaving us with an absent employee(s) for a period of days.

Finally, the labor pool has tightened tremendously over the last months. The demand for qualified drivers coupled with the timing of stimulus checks, added unemployment benefits, and the timing of tax returns has created a true strain on the labor market. We continue to expand our avenues for recruiting and hiring, we are seeing rising wages as we work to retain our staff, and we have even implemented hiring bonuses for new employees and recruiting bonuses for our team if they bring employees on. The process is arduous but moving forward.

I would like to reiterate that we fully understand the expectations of our customers and boards that we service. By no means is late or delayed service a favorable outcome for us. We are working diligently to minimize and overcome these challenges, but we also want our customers to be aware that these challenges will take some time to overcome. I am confident in our team, culture, and reputation that overcoming these obstacles will be a short-term challenge and service will soon be again delivered to your expectations.

In addition, we do encourage you to enroll in our service notification system. This system allows us to notify by email of potential delays or carryovers with our service. With the current challenges, our operations team is sending updates three times daily to customer service, with final notice going out to affected customers. You can enroll on the homepage of our website (, or by emailing Averian Gaston ( with your MUD/HOA and the preferred emails for notices.

Again, we thank you for your continued partnership and understanding. We look forward to delivering the services you have come to expect from us and we have always expected of ourselves.

Thank you,
Kevin Atkinson
Texas Pride Disposal

Customer Service
(281) 342-8178

Sign Up for the District’s Alert System

The District has implemented an email and text alert system for the residents of Harris-Fort Bend Counties Municipal Utility District No. 3. This system is designed to keep you informed of issues related to the District in a quick and timely manner. You may receive messages in either email or text alert format, or both, related to the water service in the District, drainage and sewer related topics, and other news that is relevant to the District.

The email alerts that you may receive will contain the majority of the relevant information and may occasionally direct you back to the District’s website for more details.

Text message notifications will contain a short amount of information with a link back to the District’s website where the remainder of the information can be viewed.

These notifications are a great way to stay up to date on news and issues within the District and we highly encourage you to sign up and share this information with your neighbors.

To sign up for email and text notifications, please click here to visit the sign up page.

No Boil Water Notice

At this time, the District is NOT under a boil water notice. The water is safe to consume. Please check the website for updates.

Freeze Warning

Freezing temperatures possible Sunday thru Thursday. Protect pipes, people, and pets!

With upcoming weather expected to reach record lows, we want to remind everyone to take the time to inspect and insulate their household water lines.

Be sure to wrap exterior pipes and irrigation backflow preventers to avoid issues during the extreme cold. For tips on winterizing your irrigation system, view the below video.

Memorial Day Trash Collection

In observance of Memorial Day, there will be no service on Monday, May 25th. Trash collection will resume on the next scheduled service day.

Water Transmission and COVID-19

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking water. Conventional water treatment methods that use chlorine disinfection, such as those in Harris-Fort Bend Counties Municipal Utility District No. 3’s drinking water system, should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

More Information